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Area Carpet Removal

What You Can Do With Your Old Area Rug

Unneeded Area Rug

Is it time to get rid of your old area carpet? Whether your rug has seen better days, there are a few unsightly stains, or it’s simply out of style, you don’t need to send it straight to the trash. In fact, area rugs in landfills cause environmental damage with toxic components. Fortunately, you have eco-friendly options for area carpet removal.

Area Carpet Removal Options

  • Sell it. You can sell your old area rug on websites that allow you to advertise locally like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. Just take pictures, give the proper dimensions and be honest about any imperfections on it! You can make money, and someone else gets a rug at the right price.
  • Repurpose it. Is your rug in usable condition, just not quite right for your living room anymore? Consider using it in a different space in your home like your basement or bedroom. Different furniture might be able to hide unsightly stains.
  • Donate it. It might not be right for you anymore, but there might be organizations that could make use of your old rug. If it is still in good condition, call around to see if any donation centers accept carpets.
  • Bring it to a recycling center. Unfortunately, area rugs can’t be recycled through your regular recycling program, but you might be able to find a center in your area that can take it. Call ahead and be sure to ask about any recycling fees.
  • Call JDog Junk Removal & Hauling. The Veterans and Military family members know just what to do with your old area rug. If it’s still in good shape, we’ll find the right place to give it a second life, and if it’s not suitable for donation, we’ll bring it to the proper recycling facility. All you have to do is call us! You can expect transparent pricing and on-time, respectful service. Call us today at 844-GET-JDOG to schedule a pickup.